The technology analysis provides a general overview of which technical fields are the most relevant within the portfolio.
Comparing different companies technical strengths and focuses is a great way to get an overview of the competitive landscape. As the patent system is built up with the patent classification codes, these can be used to visualize different companies’ activities and their technical focus areas.
The technology analysis provides a general overview of which technical fields are the most relevant within the portfolio. It is a very important analysis, as the patent classifications that are assigned to a patent document by a patent examiner describe the technical area of the central part of the invention. As the process of assigning a patent classification to a patent document is done by a patent examiner, this part is not controlled by the filing company. A patent document’s title, abstract, and other written parts of a document can be misleading to reveal as little as possible. Thus, a technological classification system is an important key factor in clearly identifying the technological scope of a patent document.
This plot allows the user to analyse and investigate which technical field a competitor is filing their patents in. In this analysis, the user can find out the number of patents in a respective field, or how the patent portfolio is divided in different technological areas.
You may also switch class systems between CPC or IPC as well as change the level of depth in the classification hierarchy.