How AI Can Improve the Weekly Monitoring Process

How AI Can improve the weekly monitoring process webinar banner

Do you find yourself spending a lot of time manually reviewing recently published patents?  

As you may know, monitoring patent documents is crucial for staying ahead of competitors and maintaining a competitive edge in your industry. However, reviewing and categorizing new patents can be a time-consuming and laborious task, especially when thousands of new documents are published every week. 

During this webinar, Johan Hultman and Viktor Rudolf introduced our latest feature that was created in collaboration with Sartorius: the AI Patent Categorizer. Are you curious to find out how our AI Patent Categorizer can help you keep up with the latest patent documents and competitor patents? 

What is the AI Patent Categorizer 

The AI Patent Categorizer is our new feature that is based on mathematical model that utilizes a pretrained neural network trained to understand the semantics of billions of words. It is also trained on a wide array of domains and fine-tuned specifically for patent classification. The new feature allows users to navigate among millions of patents more easily. The AI-based software sifts through the database and automatically identifies the most relevant documents. It will rank the search result with a binary score of (1 and 0) score relevance. It will also provide the user with an AI-generated confidence score of every result. 

The models can be further fine-tuned to capture potentially problematic areas with greater accuracy based on weekly monitoring feedback. 

What is the impact of the AI Patent Categorizer? 

This feature was created to help the professionals that work in an IP department, save time, and make their workflow more efficient. The weekly patent monitoring process as it stands today includes a lot of manual work, it’s time consuming and the workload is hard to predict. The monitoring process with the help of the AI provides business continuity, better accuracy and prioritization and saves a lot of time.  

Internal studies on the new software showed a 90 percent success rate and effectiveness in locating relevant results, which is an instantly more effective result than a completely manual human search or monitoring.  

Would you like to find out more about it? Watch the webinar by filling the form below and don’t hesitate to contact our team if you want to be included in the priority list that will get access to the new function first. 

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